All children at Alexandra will be given weekly homework. We ask that you help your child to complete the work by offering them a calm working environment at home and encouragement to do their best. Reading with your child and helping them learn their weekly spellings should also be a regular part of home life.
Please also see the Online Learning services available for your child.
Recommended Reading
Below you will find a list of suggested books your child can read, either by themsleves or with you.
Get Hounslow Reading Project
School has been involved in the ‘Get Hounslow Reading’ project. One of the aspects of this has been to produce some resources for parents. These are in the form of padlets. Point your camera phone at the QR code and follow the instructions and they will open up the resources.
There are three, One for the Early Year and Keystage 1, one for lower Keystage 2 and one for upper Keystage 2.
50 Fun Things to Do at Home