We are continually reviewing and developing the curriculum as a staff with the intention of improving children’s learning.
The Teaching and Learning Committee of the Governing body is responsible for monitoring the way the school curriculum is implemented. This includes reviews of specific subject policies in line with the school’s monitoring and evaluation schedule.
The impact we are aiming for is to raise standards across the school (applying their English and Maths skills to foundation subjects in the wider curriculum) and our aim includes an increase in enjoyment for what the children are learning and relevance for the children to help them in the future. We encourage them to make connections between what they are learning to have full impact.
The impact of our curriculum will not only be measured by assessment procedures which allow us to measure outcomes against all schools nationally but also achieved through monitoring activities such as: pupil voice, subject standards reports, monitoring and evaluation activities such as book looks and pupil conferencing. Meetings with School Council and the RRSA steering group to allow pupil voice and to feedback ideas about the curriculum and whether our intention has been met. Our curriculum is measured by how effectively it helps our pupils develop into well rounded individuals who embody our values and carry with them the knowledge, skills and attitudes which will make them lifelong learners and valuable future citizens.
Statement endorsed by Governors – June 2019