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Alexandra Primary School

Alexandra Primary School
Roles and responsibilities

The Headteacher and SLT are responsible for overseeing the day to day organisation of the curriculum through: 

  • Tracking pupil progress in Reading, Writing and Maths and reviewing formally with teachers on a termly basis 
  • Monitoring planning and carrying our work sampling 
  • Observing learning and teaching, including that of intervention groups 
  • Formal and informal discussions with staff 
  • Discussion with pupils 

Parents are made aware of the curriculum through start of year Welcome meetings and through fortnightly sections in newsletters outlining the learning in each year group. Every term, parents receive an updated review of the objectives for the year group across all subjects so that they can support their children’s learning at home. 

Subject Leaders monitor and review the way the subjects they are responsible for are taught throughout the school. Each subject leader reviews the curriculum plans for their subject, ensuring there is full coverage of the National Curriculum and that progression is planned into schemes of work. Subject leaders and Year Group leaders have been involved in the review of the curriculum to ensure the progression of skills and knowledge is implemented across the school. They each collate evidence via a subject standards report and engage in monitoring activities such as book looks, questionnaires to staff and they hold pupil 

interviews in order to check on knowledge and skill acquisition. Subjects are planned to ensure progression of knowledge and skills across school. It is the role of each subject leader to keep up to date with developments in their subject at both national and local level, thereby providing a strategic lead and direction for the subject alongside supporting and advising colleagues. 

Class teachers are responsible for the day to day planning and delivery of the curriculum within their year groups, and assessing children’s learning to monitor how successfully their aims have been achieved. Through Planning, Preparation and Assessment time, staff meet and discuss the outcomes of the lessons through monitoring the past weeks’ learning and prepare for the week ahead. 

We belong to a number of partnerships and a soft federation (Collabor8) which supports curriculum planning, delivery and provides opportunities for the monitoring and moderation of standards.