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Alexandra Primary School

Alexandra Primary School
Attendance This Year


Dear Families,

Welcome to the 2018 – 2019 school year. This is such an exciting time for your child, the skills we practice daily are the building blocks for your child’s future success in school and in life.

Last year our attendance was 96% and we would like to thank you for your support. In order to support academic achievement, Alexandra Primary School has set a school attendance target of 97% .

We actively promote and reward excellent attendance. Weekly in assembly the attendance cup / bear are awarded to the class with the best attendance. Any class who collectively get 100% attendance for the week will be rewarded with a mufti day the following Friday. At the end of each term we give out certificates in assembly and hold a 100% attendance raffle where we reward the lucky winner with a Kindle Fire. These rewards are awarded termly to allow those children that are unfortunately unwell one term, the opportunity to be rewarded the next term when their attendance has improved. In addition all children who have attended school every day for the term will be rewarded with a mufti day.

Alexandra Primary School does not authorise any term time holidays and the Head teacher will only authorise term time leave for other reasons, in exceptional circumstances. All unauthorised incidents of term time leave will be passed to the Local Authority for further action, which could result in a fine.

Whilst we understand that on occasions children are too unwell to attend school, all children should attend school every day that they are well enough to do so. Where attendance is below our expected standard, we will invite you into school to meet with us, to allow us to discuss any issues your child may be having and the support we can offer to help the attendance improve. Where attendance does not improve and attendance targets are not met we may make a referral to the Education Welfare Service for further action.

Where your child needs to attend a medical appointment we would ask that this is done outside of school hours. If it is essential that the appointment takes place during school hours please provide school with proof of their appointment to allow us to authorize this time. Should your child need to attend another school to take entrance exams, a copy of the invite letter should be given to the school and only the time needed to take the exam will be authorised.

I am sure you will support us in our endeavour to ensure that every child reaches their full potential. Should you have any concerns about attendance or need additional support with this, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Mr John Norton


A copy of this letter can be found HERE



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