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Alexandra Primary School

Alexandra Primary School
Pastoral care

All members of staff at Alexandra undertake a pastoral role.  In  addition to this we have identified staff who have undertaken a variety of specialised training to further develop the pastoral  and wellbeing in school.

A friendly ethos at school, together with regular contact with parents and sensitive relationships with children, enable any difficulties which arise to be dealt with effectively and quickly. Our Welfare Officer is fully trained to deal with medical issues. Both our Welfare Officer and Pastoral Lead are trained to deal with emotional difficulties and have good relationships with both parents and outside agencies should further help be required.

In school we have a range of programs and strategies which are used to support the wellbeing of our school community. Some of these take place on an individual basis and others in small and whole class groups.

We run ‘Munch club’ lunchtime group for children who are identified as struggling with long lunchtimes or who are in need of a small group space.

Children are able to identify themselves via the ‘Talk to me’ box in school or via the ‘Talk to us’ email address. They will then be given  the opportunity to talk individually with a trained member of staff.

We have a number of Young Carers in school who attend our weekly session run by Mrs Bird our Pastoral Lead. This allows them to socialise with other children with similar home circumstances.

Alexandra has a Wellbeing Wing which consists of a number of rooms to support wellbeing and our Whole, Happy, Healthy strategy helps to support positive mental health and emotional literacy. These rooms give dedicated space for outside agencies to work with children and parents which includes Speech Therapy, Counselling, Art Therapy, Drawing & Talking and CADA.

We also have Community Corner which will support with a Pre-loved uniform shop and book/puzzle exchange. We hope to further develop this over the coming months to meet the needs of our school community.

We have a team of 5 Designated/Deputy designated Safeguarding leads in school to respond to incidents when and if they arise. These staff work closely with the children, parents and Local Authority when needed.

ELSA  (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) – At Alexandra we have 3 dedicated ELSA’s who offer individual mentoring and group support to identified students.

Blow are some of the programs that we are using in school to support wellbeing and to promote emotional literacy:

Inner wings group sessions

Drawing & Talking

Flourishing Minds

CADA - Child Affected by Domestic Abuse

Talk to us email address for children to use should they wish to: talktous@alexandra.hounslow.sch.uk
