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Alexandra Primary School

Alexandra Primary School
Vision and ethos


Children have provided their views on teaching and learning, we consider this of great importance when discussing teaching and learning at our school.

Here is what our children have said about how they would like teachers to behave towards them each day.


Children want teachers to:

  • Greet me each day at the door;
  • Ask about me and be interested in how I am doing;
  • Really listen to me;
  • Smile at me;
  • Laugh with me;
  • Trust me to do independent learning;
  • Let me find my own answers;
  • Tell me how I am doing;
  • Have high expectations of me;
  • Arouse my interest and curiosity – tell stories that are relevant, interesting and funny;
  • Give me challenging work.


Our vision for children…

… and when children enter their next stages of education and then ultimately employment the young people know that educators and employers want them to have the following attributes:

To have…

  • a good grasp of basic knowledge and skills;
  • be reliable, take responsibility and show resilience;
  • an ability to build and maintain relationships;
  • an ability to work collaboratively in a team;
  • creativity and use problem solving skills.
  • an understanding of how to keep themselves fit and healthy, physically and emotionally.

Values That Underpin Our Vision at APS


Alexandra Primary School’s Moral Purpose:

Alexandra Primary School will work collaboratively to ensure that all children have a world-class, rounded education, through an ambitious and creative curriculum. We will enrich and enhance pupil’s learning and life experiences, enabling every child to develop a love of learning and achieve outstanding progress and attainment.

This will be realised through our commitment to, and participation in, a systematic, sustainable and accountable framework of challenge, support and continuing professional development for school improvement, drawing on best practice locally, nationally and internationally.

Emotional Literacy / well-being is a clear indicator of academic achievement, success and satisfaction in later life. We are committed to promoting children’s emotional literacy / wellbeing and incorporating appropriate activities into children’s routines and school life. Such activities may include: well-being, resilience, personal responsibility, growth mindset, kindness, mindfulness and gratitude. We will promote our ethos through assemblies, work-related tasks and school projects via the School Council and our Rights Respecting Committee. Our school values equip children with the knowledge and skills to support, encourage and enable them to be in charge of their own wellbeing.

APS School values and the values of our Collaborate (C8) partners, the 5R’s and British values all link together with the value of respect and compassion, as part of respect, being particularly important to promote British values.
